Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Princess Juliana, fifteen years old, entered a synagog.
A Berlin despatch represented Dutch newspapers as terrified to give currency to the following tale, said to be common property and mot du jour in the Netherlands:
Princess Juliana of Holland is 15. She goes to school. Lately came a holiday, whereupon Juliana hied herself to Amsterdam with a lady-in-waiting. There…
Queen Wilhelmina visits the King of Sweden.
Her Majesty, Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands, accompanied by Prince Consort Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and her only daughter, Princess Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina, repaired to Sweden for a visit to King Gustaf and Queen Victoria. The visit is to return that made by King Gustaf to The Hague in…
At an international conference in Louvain, 200 Dutch Nationalists staged an anti-Belgium riot.
At an international conference in Louvain, 200 Dutch Nationalists staged an anti-Belgium riot. They threw stones, hissed, unfolded Orange banners, cried “Long Live Wilhelmina! Down with Belgium!”
Belgians returned the stones and entered into a vocal contest with the Dutch by shouting their Brabançonne. (national anthem).
Although present-day Belgium was known…