Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
The gulden must be kept on the gold standard according to Queen Wilhelmina in her yearly speech to Parliament.
Stout, frugal, shiny-nosed Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands is as proud as she is plain and motherly. Her court is the stiffest and most punctilious in Europe. The State Coach of her ancient House of Orange is almost as ornate, almost as uncomfortable as the swaying, medieval contraption in which…
Henri Deterding urged the Netherlands to reduce the gold content of the gulden, “in order to help trade.” Other Dutch industrialists voted abhorrence of Sir Henri’s “inflationist proposal.”
Stuffy Dutch burghers, members of the Netherlands Society for Industry and Commerce, opened at their meeting in Rotterdam last week a letter as explosive as two sticks of dynamite. Signed by Holland’s world potent petrol tycoon, Sir Henri Deterding, it urged the Netherlands to reduce the gold content of the…
President Trip of the Netherlands Bank says the Netherlands will remain on the gold standard: “Complete international restoration of the gold standard is imperative.”
Almost alone in preferring gold to paper as pocket currency for everyday use are Dutchmen. They like to jingle heavy guilders on each of which is stamped the motto & promise of Queen Wilhelmina’s Royal House: “I will maintain!” In The Hague last week pompous Mynheer Doktor Leonardus Jacobus Anthonius…
20 Feb 1933
Mutiny broke out on battleship De Zeven Provincien in the Dutch East Indies, renamed to Netherlands-India by Queen Wilhelmina. The mutiny was stopped by a naval attack from other Dutch ships.
Plump and pink Queen Wilhelmina, whose nose grew red as she went sleigh-riding in Switzerland last week, pronounced a solemn Speech from the Throne before she left The Hague. Mindful of her Dutch East Indies, in which live 60,000,000 of Her Majesty’s 69,000,000 subjects, she gave them a new and more…