Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for 1934

Pressure on Gold


Finance Minister Oud uttered a careful ‘if’ concerning the devaluation of the guilder: “The stability of the guilder is a necessity as long as world stabilization remains in the far in the future.”

Bedrock facts beneath the billows of press pother last week about the Gold Standard:

France. As to the flight of capital from France provoked by the fall of Premier Doumergue’s “Truce Cabinet,” the Bank of France was seen last week to have lost gold worth 360 million francs, or less than…

No More Dutch


Dutch Government issued a circular declaring that the word ‘Dutch’ must be replaced by ‘Netherland’ to remove the possibility of disadvantageous confusion with Hitler’s Germany.

Many a German gangster is called Dutch. Example: ”Dutch” Schultz. The Pennsylvania “Dutch” are of German, not Netherland descent. In the rumbling language of the Netherlands (Nederlandsch taal) there is no such word as “Dutch.” But it has taken Adolf Hitler to make “Dutch” an issue among phlegmatic Netherlanders.


Gloomy Queen


Wilhelmina talks about the economic setback her country is facing since the 30s in her yearly thronespeech.

For 36 years that motherly monarch, Queen Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria, has driven in a gilded coach under the tree-lined streets of The Hague to open her Parliament. Last week for the first time in 33 of those years she did not have the comfortable figure of the Prince Consort, Henry, Duke…

Fair Fight


Every Dutchman fears that Japan may some day seize the large island oil reserves in the Netherlands-Indies. Minister Deckers said that the present fleet in the Netherlands Indies is sufficient.

Every Dutchman fears that Japan may some day seize the large island oil reserves of Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Ceram in the Netherlands Indies. Last week Dutch planters and oil men rejoiced to learn that Queen Wilhelmina is resolved to defend them to the last. Dutch Defense Minister Laurentius Nicolas…

“Shoot on Sight!”


In good Queen Wilhelmina’s Netherlands, sharpshooting soldiers and crunching tanks were needed fortnight ago to crush Communist riots at Amsterdam, where eight died.

Anything but placid these days are good Queen Wilhelmina’s Netherlands. Sharpshooting soldiers and crunching tanks were needed fortnight ago to crush Communist riots at Amsterdam where eight died and an old deaf woman went down with two bullets in her back (TIME, July 16). Last week more threats of disturbance in…

Red Riots, White Hearse


Savage riots broke out. Her Majesty ordered out troops with machine-guns and tanks. She continued preperations for the funeral of Prince Consort Henry.

Down to the Hook of Holland went good Queen Wilhelmina and had a good cry with Crown Princess Juliana who rushed home from England last week at news of the death by heart failure of her father, Dutch Prince Consort Henry (TIME, July 9). The two women drove at once to…



Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands canceled by royal decree last week a boycott of German goods lately proclaimed by the municipality of Zaandam.

Icily correct, despite the misgivings with which she views Adolf Hitler, Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands canceled by royal decree last week a boycott of German goods lately proclaimed by the municipality of Zaandam, historic wooden ship-building town of The Netherlands.

“Her Majesty’s Government,” announced Premier Dr. Hendrik Colijn, “cannot…

Death To A Dutchman


During the Reichstag fire trial, Dutchman Marinus Van Der Lubbe was sentenced to death. Queen Wilhelmina demanded through diplomatic channels commutation of the death sentence.

With blood spurting in Germany from the severed neck of this or that Communist nearly every week, normal, healthy Storm Troopers assumed that Germany’s Supreme Court could not do less last week than order death for the five defendants in the Reichstag fire trial as all five were Communists of…

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