Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for 1940

Fifth-Column Roundup


Dutch military authorities arrested 21 fifth columnists. Premier De Geer said they were dangerous to the peace and security of the NL. Nazi Chief Anton Adrian Mussert was not arrested.

After watching their fifth column’s maneuvers for three weeks (TIME, May 6 et ante), Dutch military authorities last week swooped down on suspect strongholds in The Hague, Haarlem, Amsterdam. They carted away and interned 21 Nazis, Communists, etc., including National Socialist Party Editor M. M. Rost van Tonninggen, member of…

Calm in Crisis


Juliana went to a football match to show how to be calm. Army’s commander in chief, Winckelman ordered the licensing of publishers and sellers of all printed matter.

For the first time in her pious life, plump Princess Juliana turned up at a Sunday football game in Amsterdam last week—to show her nervous countrymen how to be calm in a crisis. To show that the crisis was passing, the Army ordered that monthly four-day leaves be resumed…

Dutch In Dutch


Japan said it would protect the islands of the NL.-Indies, in case powers might threaten her. Netherlands Foreign Minister said that the NL.-Indies wanted no protection from anybody.

Prettiest seat on the fence from which Japan, Russia and Italy are watching World War II is enjoyed by Japan. Last week she showed every sign of squirming pleasurably upon it—even a few signs of eagerness to climb down.

First of all Tokyo newspapers broke into one of their…



The Netherlands did not arrest Anton Mussert, but old Dutch General Jonkheer W. Roell. They also began raiding Dutch Nazis’ homes for arms and uniforms.

“Major Quisling,” said the London Times last week, “has added a new word to the English language. . . . Aurally it contrives to suggest something at once slippery and tortuous. Visually it has the supreme merit of beginning with a Q, which (with one august exception) has long seemed…

Where Next?


Panic seized in Europe. The Dutch fear military weakness, strategic importance of the country for Germany, and the greatest internal danger, the Dutch Nazi-Party.

Restless spring had come at last to Europe, and last week Europe’s peoples were on the move. The tall fighting people of Germany marched into Denmark and Norway and some of the peaceful people of those countries—refugees, frightened liberals, Jews—fled to Sweden. From Malmö in Sweden, a short…

“Foreign Service”


Queen Wilhelmina speeched about “a radical renewal in the life of every individual,” which was heard in Manhattan and in perhaps 500 U.S. cities.

In The Hague one day last week, a devout Calvinist (with Buchmanite leanings) stepped up to a microphone and radiorated. Said Wilhelmina, Queen of The Netherlands: “In our present time the very first need is that of a radical renewal in the life of every individual. This only can be…

“One War at a Time”


Nazi ships near Curaçao are forced to anchor outside Willemstad’s drawbridged harbor, because the Dutch are afraid they might sabotage oil stored in the islands by Royal Dutch Co.

In November 1861, when the U. S. Civil War was just getting going. Captain Charles Wilkes of the Union Navy, commanding the screw sloop San Jacinto, fired a shot across the bows of the British Royal Mail packet Trent as she steamed along the Bahama Channel. The Trent hove to…

Winds of Fear


Round-up information in the neutral European nations. In The NL. the earth was hard as brick; canals and flooded lands, which Holland counts on to defend her, were sheets of ice.

Late last August Europe went through its last great pre-war crisis—terminated by war in Poland and the west. Late last November Europe went through another less spectacular crisis—terminated by war in Finland. Last week Europe was in the midst of another crisis.

The seriousness of the latest crisis…

“God Help Our Country”


German press warned neutral countries they “must now say whether they are willing to oppose English power politics.” Premier de Geer exclaimed Dutch neutrality will be respected.

Last week was a week of jitters for Europe’s neutral States as the German press again went to work on them. This time they were warned that they “must now say whether they are willing to oppose English power politics.” Most of the talk of neutral battlefields—both German and…

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