Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Proponents of midwifery point to The Netherlands, where midwifery is widespread and the national infant mortality rate has been lower than in the U.S. (10.6 vs. 16.1 per 1,000).
Rising costs and feminism bring back an ancient art
For most of the human species’ existence, the delivery of babies has been the exclusive prerogative of women. It was only at the turn of this century that U.S. physicians, most of them then male, decided to put the delivery business…
In The Netherlands, where Moscow has set up a computer center, the Dutch government last year expelled the Soviet director on espionage charges.
The Soviet Union likes to boast that it is the land of the future. Yet in the one technology most essential for industrial and scientific progress, the country is far behind. Western experts believe Soviet computer development trails the U.S.’s by three to ten years, depending on the segment of…
A Dutch military team mounted a commando-style dawn assault on both train and school. Six of the 13 Moluccan terrorists and two of the hostages were killed.
As dawn broke, a thick mist rolled across the pastureland around the Dutch hamlet of De Punt, enveloping the motionless yellow train. Inside, nine jittery Moluccan hijackers and 51 exhausted hostages were beginning their 20th day of cold fear together, a grisly endurance record of its kind. At a primary…
Last week’s well-coordinated assaults on the train and the Bovensmilde school by South Mollucan terrorists took place two days before a national election.
A wave of revulsion and anger swept The Netherlands last week after terrorists seized more than 150 hostages in an effort to force the Dutch government to accept their revolutionary demands. The hostages included 55 passengers of an express train on the Utrecht-Groningen line and—to the particular fury and…
In The Netherlands, where a recent poll showed that 53% of the Dutch have doubts about nuclear energy, construction of three new reactors has been postponed.
The demonstration was part picnic, part protest march and part folk festival. Nearly 10,000 people, carrying accordions, flutes, guitars and a fluttering forest of posters and signs, gathered for a “festival of life” at the small Italian town of Montalto di Castro, 80 miles north of Rome, the site of…
11 Apr 1977
Two 231-ft.-long Boeing 747 jumbo jets collided on the ground. Taking off down a runway visible for less than a sixth of its length, KLM 4805 smashed into Pan American 1736.
The sweet scent of flowers reaching their boats inspired ancient Romans and Greeks to call them “the Fortunate Islands.” The refreshingly mild and breezy climate was praised by more modern travelers as “perpetual spring.” But early natives of the Canary Islands,*70 miles off the northwest coast of Africa, knew…
Social democratic governments are under pressure in Britain, The Netherlands and West Germany. Premier Joop den Uyl’s Cabinet collapsed last week.
It was supposed to be a festive birthday party. The European Community turned 20 last week, and leaders of its nine member states celebrated the anniversary by gathering in the damask-lined hall atop Rome’s Capitoline Hill where the unique organization was born.
But the mood in the hall was…
More than two-thirds of all tanker mishaps are caused by mistakes made by the men who run them. In The Netherlands and France there are three supertanker schools.
More than two-thirds of all tanker mishaps are caused by mistakes made by the men who run them. What is the answer to the human hazard? Many experts think it rests with the proliferation of the supertankers—including the behemoths known as very large crude carriers (VLCCs) that will be…