Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for 1978

The September Pope


On the death of Pope John Paul I, Dutch Cardinal Willebrands said it was a disaster. He had a feeling that something fresh was going to happen to his church.

“How deep are the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How inscrutable his judgments, how unsearchable his ways!” St. Paul’s words rang out across St. Peter’s Square in the genial, high-pitched voice of John Paul I on that happy day last month, Sept. 3, when he was…

Those Golden Gnomes


With exhilarating wit and charm, Dutch Physician Wil Huygen and Illustrator Rien Poortvliet put together a mock sociological history of the gnome that is proving to be a money spinner.

One of the most enduring characters of European folklore is the gnome, a gnarled night creature who lives for centuries, stands only 6 in. when full grown but is seven times stronger than man. With exhilarating wit and tongue-in-cheek charm, Dutch Physician Wil Huygen and Illustrator Rien Poortvliet put together…

Increasing fears confiscatory tax policies already have begun to discourage incentive and innovation. They seem to be undermining the Calvinist work ethic in The Netherlands.

It began as an outcry against “the dark satanic mills” of early capitalism, a shuddering reaction against the profound upheavals caused by the Industrial Revolution, a reassertion of the Utopian dream of the heavenly kingdom on earth. It sprang from obscure clubs, from workers’ associations, from garrets, libraries, bourgeois parlors…

The belief that Jesus Christ was both “true God and true man” has been the bedrock of Catholic orthodoxy for more than 15 centuries. Theologians have been at odds about this dogma.

Germany’s Hans Küng again challenges the Vatican

The belief that Jesus Christ was both “true God and true man” has been the bedrock of Catholic orthodoxy for more than 15 centuries. Yet over the past decade some Roman Catholic theologians have been at odds with the church hierarchy about this…

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