Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Opposition socialist parties managed to put the Dutch Parliament as opposing the missile plan. Premier Van Agt dashed off to Washington, Rome, London & Bonn in search of a compromise.
The allies vote to strengthen Europe’s strike force with new missiles
A few miles south of the Brussels headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization lies the field of Waterloo. The famous battle that took place there in 1815 was, as the victorious Duke of Wellington said afterward, “a damned…
Catholic theologian Schillebeeckx has been called in for questioning by the Vatican. Schillebeeckx emphasizes the humanity of Jesus far more than his divinity.
But Holland’s leading Christologist is called in for questioning
They met in the same gray Renaissance palace where the Inquisition put Galileo on trial. But the Vatican called last week’s meeting a mere “series of talks.” Over coffee, a Dominican priest- theologian, Edward Schillebeeckx, 65, clad casually in a tweed…
The Netherlands, which has been the most reluctant to endorse deployment of nuclear weapons. There is pacifist and left-wing opposition to arms modernization measures.
Meting Moscow’s Threat
Western Europe prepares to counter the Soviet juggernaut
The unavoidable geopolitical fact of life for Western Europe over the past quarter-century has been the threat from the East. The Soviet Union and its satellite states have assembled one of the most powerful military juggernauts in world…
The latest member of the famed open-air chimpanzee colony at Burgers Dierenpark, Roosje, who needed another mother was succesfully adopted by another chimpanzee mother.
A baby chimp is adopted
The future looked bleak for Roosje, or Little Rose. The latest member of the famed open-air chimpanzee colony at The Netherlands’ Burgers Dierenpark, near Arnhem, she had been born to a handicapped mother who could not care for her.
Sadly, Zoo Manager Antoon van Hooff…
Abdul Qadar Khan, who worked for top-secret gas centrifuge factory at Almelo, where enriched uranium is produced, managed to carry home critical information to his Native Pakistan.
How another country is joining the nuclear club
He was a brilliant and charming man, a linguist who was liked by his colleagues and suburban Amsterdam neighbors. To be sure, Abdul Qadar Khan did seem a bit inquisitive to his fellow scientists at The Netherlands’ top-secret gas centrifuge factory at…
KLM, which up to now have operated predominantly U.S.-made fleets, announced important buys of planes built by Airbus, a consortium backed by four European governments.
Some big orders give the European wide-body a boost
American commercial planemakers have long dominated the world skies, but their near monopoly is under assault. Last week The Netherlands’ KLM and West Germany’s Lufthansa, which up to now have operated predominantly U.S.-made fleets, both announced important buys of wide-bodied, twin-engined…
Britain’s Ambassador to The Netherlands, Sir Richard Sykes, 58, was shot and killed in The Hague. There was strong speculation that the hit men worked for the Irish Republican Army.
Britain’s Ambassador to The Netherlands, Sir Richard Sykes, 58, had just stepped into his silver-gray Rolls-Royce for the four-minute ride from his residence to the British embassy in The Hague. As Sykes’ Dutch valet, Karel Straub, 19, closed the car door, two men suddenly emerged from the back of the…
The Dutch writer Janwillem van de Wetering writes about Amsterdam policemen and the statutes and terrors that govern their lives in his new book The Maine Massacre.
THE MAINE MASSACRE by Janwillem van de Wetering
Houghton Mifflin; 256 pages; $8.95
The demimonde of mystery fans is divided into amateurs and professionals.
What aficionado has not been confined in a summer cottage on a rainy day with someone who does not know about thrillers and keeps announcing every…