Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Science is now learning what makes us both noble and terrible. Primatologist Frans de Waal saw at the Arnhem Zoo how apes vigorously enforced group norms.
If the entire human species were a single individual, that person would long ago have been declared mad. The insanity would not lie in the anger and darkness of the human mind—though it can be a black and raging place indeed. And it certainly wouldn’t lie in the transcendent…
25 Jun 2007
The recent organ donor hoax in the NL. was an effort to draw attention to the problem of organ donation. In the U.S. another solution is Nashville-based nonprofit Lifesharers network.
Americans love a square deal. The idea of the quid pro quo, the something for something, lies at the heart of our very sense of fairness. But there’s one area in which something for nothing is much closer to the rule, and it’s a transaction on which people’s very lives…
Countries don’t always set aside enough money to pay for the pensions they promise. One country appears to have found a better way: The NL, “the globe’s No. 1 pensions country.”
In early June, the Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)–the club of the world’s wealthy and almost wealthy nations–released a 208-page document perversely titled Pensions at a Glance. Inside is a rundown of how generous OECD members are to their burgeoning ranks of retirees.
The U.S. is…
In what would be the largest financial-services merger ever, Britain’s Barclays PLC bid for the NLs’ largest bank, ABN Amro NV, for $91.16 billion. The result: a worldwide banking giant.
Working your way up is overrated. Companies are increasingly just buying their way to the top of global markets.
In an all-cash, $5.5 billion deal, Nestlé will buy the Gerber baby-food business from Swiss pharma giant Novartis. The purchase catapults Nestlé to the top of the…
The world’s most vulnerable coastal communities are taking action against rising oceans and more severe floods. The Dutch are radically revising traditional flood-management thinking.
With his curly, salt-and-pepper hair and thoughtful demeanor, Chris West looks like just another mid-career professor as he crosses the streets of Oxford University. But West, trained as a zoologist, is more an activist than an academic these days. From his cramped office around the corner from Balliol College, he…
The University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands discovered insight into the mechanisms by which humans communicate their innermost desires and feelings.
For 20 minutes Andrea McColl, a research assistant at the University of Southern California, has been repeating the same string of nonsense syllables, changing her intonation on cue. When a smiling cartoon face pops up on the screen in front of her, she tries to sound happy. When a…
4 Jan 2007
An exhibit of Monet reveals the formative influence of Japanese art. Biographers offer varying accounts of that first Japanese print he bought: it was in Amsterdam, or Delft or Zaandam.
One day in 1871, legend has it, a French artist named Claude Monet walked into a food shop in Amsterdam, where he had gone to escape the Prussian siege of Paris. There he spotted some Japanese prints being used as wrapping paper. He was so taken by the engravings that…