Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )


This websites contains all the articles on the Netherlands that have been published in the domestic (U.S.) edition of Time magazine as of 1923. is a subsequent result of the thesis ‘The Netherlands in 85 years of TIME magazine (1923-2008)’ presented as part of a MA degree in Journalism Studies of the University of Groningen.

The study has shed a comprehensive light on the representation and perception of the Netherlands in the American newsweekly Time magazine. Using the magazine’s full online archive, the study identified a total of 751 articles that discusses the Netherlands and all its constituents in the domestic (U.S.) print edition of the magazine, from the first ever issue in March 1923 until March 2008, marking a time period of 85 years and covering an extensive part of the Twentieth Century.

By adopting a broad scope the study was not only able to provide a complete overview of what has been written on the Netherlands in Time, but also distinguished recurring themes that extend over large intervals. Three recurring themes, ‘the Progressive Dutch Catholic Church’, ‘the Dutch East Indies & Decolonization’ and ‘the Dutch Royal Family’, were selected because of their remarkable recurring prominence and subjected to a detailed framing analysis, following the concepts of Entman (1991; 1993; 2004), as to determine how the largest and oldest news-magazine wrote about these topics. Time was the architect of the newsmagazine and always maintained the largest circulation in its market. It is thus been an influential force within the American media landscape.

The study also identified the magazine’s character throughout its life span, its shifts in nature and its position within American print culture (see About Time magazine). Furthermore, it provided understanding to Time’s journalistic process, illustrating how a story on the Netherlands successfully gets publicized in the magazine by literature review and interviews with two former Time stringers for the Netherlands, Friso Endt and Wibo van de Linde. In doing so, the study was able to determine the conditions to which stories were written and published.

Next to all the indexed articles this website also provides background information on the history of Time magazine as well as a summary of the findings and conclusions of how Time framed the Netherlands.

If you have any inquiries or would like to read the entire study, just sent an email to info [at]

Mark Heerink
Journalist / Researcher

Lees alle artikelen over Nederland die verschenen zijn in Time Magazine


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