Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for Arts & Culture

An exhibit of Monet reveals the formative influence of Japanese art. Biographers offer varying accounts of that first Japanese print he bought: it was in Amsterdam, or Delft or Zaandam.

One day in 1871, legend has it, a French artist named Claude Monet walked into a food shop in Amsterdam, where he had gone to escape the Prussian siege of Paris. There he spotted some Japanese prints being used as wrapping paper. He was so taken by the engravings that…

A to Z


Swiss furnituremaker Vitra, introduces Dutch designer Hella Jongerius’ Polder, a couch that mimics the Netherlands’ flat landscapes, upholstered in six fabrics. Windmills not included.


Animal Prints

It started on the runway several seasons ago when Miuccia Prada sent out some savage leopard-print cloth coats complete with fur trim. Almost every other designer has since tapped into this favorite classic—whether that means leopard-print clutches à la Roger Vivier or a full-on animal-print platform…



“Don’t think of me as a 14-year-old, since all these troubles have made me older,” said Anne Frank, in a 1944 letter to her father that was released last week.

Our answer to those who are angry about Iran obtaining the full nuclear cycle is one phrase. We say: Be angry, and die of this anger.”

MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, President of Iran, following his announcement that Iran had successfully enriched uranium

“From an Islamic point of view, we have to be…

Where’s The Real Pearl Girl?


Where do you go if you want to see the original The Girl with a Pearl Earring, the Johannes Vermeer? Caltech professor Williams’s website has gathered a wealth of information about him.

You’ve read the book and seen the movie, but where do you go if you want to see the original The Girl with a Pearl Earring, the Johannes Vermeer painting that inspired both? Art enthusiasts can go to where Caltech professor Roy Williams has gathered a wealth of information…

Thoroughly Burned Out


Ric Burns’ documentary New York shows that New NL. was run by the mammoth Dutch West India Co. The city remained dedicated to the godless buck as it became British and then American.

America was built by people who came here to believe in something. America was built by people who came here for the right to believe in nothing. And two upcoming PBS documentaries are aptly paired not simply because each comes from one of the documentarian brothers Ken and Ric Burns…

Outside of the Attic


Swiss-based Anne Frank Fonds (foundation), threatened to sue the newspaper Het Parool after it ran previously unpublished pages from Anne’s diary about the elder Franks’ relationship.

In her private journal, a teenager finds fault with her mother and pronounces her parents’ marriage a mere convenience. One entry reads, “If she had only one aspect of an understanding mother, either tenderness, or kindness, or patience or something else, I would keep trying to approach her.” Elsewhere she…

Autumn Ascendant


For many art lovers, the true Dutch master is Vincent van Gogh. The largest exhibition of his works to appear outside the Netherlands in 25 years opens at a gallery in Washington.

BECK Mutations

Why: An avalanche of big albums is coming this season. Courtney Love and her band Hole have a smart, shimmery new CD, Celebrity Skin, out this week. Neosoulman Seal’s Human Being is due Nov. 17. Shock rocker Marilyn Manson goes from gloom to glam on Sept. 15; while…

18 Rms, No Royal Vu


Buckingham Palace has been opened for tourists. It contains some great pictures, most are from the Netherlands.

The opening of Buckingham Palace to paying tourists this month at 8 pounds ($12) a head hasn’t quite lived up to its advance publicity; what does, these days? The mere possession of a ticket, raved the New York Times last June, “will have the magical properties of fairy gold…

Styles for a Summer Night


A new film from the Netherlands is The 4th Man, in which a homosexual grudgingly accepts a wealthy woman’s favors in the hope that she will introduce him to her other lover.

New films from the U.S., The Netherlands, Britain and Mexico


Nice idea: a video game that is designed not merely as an amusement for idle teenage reflexes but as aptitude test and recruiting device for Star- fighters. These warriors are needed to defend a space frontier, maintained…

Five for the Future


European record companies, like Philips are willing to give young countrymen a push. Conductor Edo de Waart first gained recognition in America through some records issued by Philips.

American maestros preside over a vibrant orchestral scene

When the Cleveland Orchestra recently chose a new music director, it reached across the Atlantic to select Christoph von Dohnányi, a German of Hungarian descent who is head of the Hamburg State Opera. It is a familiar story. Once again a major…

And Now, the Netherlanders


Czech-born director Kylian has made the Netherlands Dance Theater one of the most inventive and physically exciting companies around, but The Netherlands itself has no stars.

In this troupe, the choreographer is the star

Soldiers dropping one by one to the ground, doubled over in the agony of death. Men lifting a feather-light ballerina and unexpectedly groaning under the strain. A trio dancing to a mournful Sardinian folk song in the eerie darkness of an eclipsed…



The Dutch writer Janwillem van de Wetering writes about Amsterdam policemen and the statutes and terrors that govern their lives in his new book The Maine Massacre.

THE MAINE MASSACRE by Janwillem van de Wetering

Houghton Mifflin; 256 pages; $8.95

The demimonde of mystery fans is divided into amateurs and professionals.

What aficionado has not been confined in a summer cottage on a rainy day with someone who does not know about thrillers and keeps announcing every…

Airborne Nightmare


Cornelius Ryan’s book A Bridge Too Far, writes in awesome detail, phase one of Operation Market-Garden.



670 pages. Simon & Schuster. $12.50.

It was very much like the closing stage of a chess game. Checkmate seemed inevitable, but no one was sure when or how it would come. Since D-day (June 5, 1944), W.W. II had turned around…

Pursuit of the Square


To mark his centenary, the Guggenheim Museum has assembled a retrospective of Piet Mondrian, the father of asymmetrical design.

In the photographs that survive from his last years, Piet Mondrian’s own head began to verge on geometrical abstraction. The domed skull had its remaining hair brushed flat, each strand meticulously parallel to its neighbor; the two neat creases on the pale forehead; the paired circles of his spectacle…

Cooling It


Technical skill is just a question of hard work; a consistent, defined style is something else again. The nine-year-old Netherlands Dance Theater, is not only expert—it is also stylish.

Technical skill for a major ballet company is just a question of hard work; a consistent, defined style is something else again. The nine-year-old Netherlands Dance Theater, which just finished a two-week Manhattan engagement and is off to another in Mexico City, is not only expert—it is also…

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