Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
KLM can fly to the U.S. only from its home country, the NL., but would prefer to operate from Paris or London as well. With the upcoming merger with Air France, the market is forcing the issue.
Memo to the COO: Update Your Resume
According to a new study, chief operating officers can be likened to your appendix. Not only are they unnecessary, but they can also turn into expensive problems. The study, which will appear later this year in Strategic Management Journal, concludes that companies with…
It was Khan who initiated Pakistan’s crucial breakthrough when he stealed centrifuged plans from Urenco, which indisputably formed the basis of Pakistan’s nuclear success.
Dapper Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan was always a man with a mission–even if it was long shrouded in obscurity. Some 30 years ago, he allegedly stole blueprints for enriching uranium from the top-secret Dutch lab where he worked. For decades, his team in Pakistan labored behind heavily guarded…
Germany found itself mired in the increasingly heated European debate over drug legalization. In the Netherlands 2,000 coffeehouses openly sell marijuana and hashish.
Germany found itself mired in the increasingly heated European debate over drug legalization last week when an appellate judge in Lubeck declared the < country’s laws against marijuana and hashish unconstitutional. In a ruling that must now be tested in the nation’s highest court, Judge Wolfgang Neskovic overturned the…
From his headquarters in the Netherlands, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the bearded founder of the transcendental meditation movement declared that everyone should leave Washington D.C.
At long last it’s official: Washington is a city beyond redemption. Last week, after a decade of collective meditation designed to lower the capital’s crime rate and improve its quality of life, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has ordered his flock to give up and pull out of the place. From…
In the Netherlands Japanese P.M. Kaifu expressed “sincere contrition” for the “unbearable sufferings and sorrow” the Japanese army inflicted on Dutch nationals in what is now Indonesia.
- For Americans, the day Pearl Harbor went up in smoke was Dec. 7. For Japanese, on the other side of the International Date Line, it was Dec. 8. A small point, perhaps, but one with symbolic dimensions. It illustrates how the two giants focus differently on their shared…
Germany’s threat to recognize Croatia and Slovenia has been the biggest sticking point in Europe’s handling of the crisis. H. van den Broek, the E.C. President, condemned the idea outright.
Not long ago, the reputation of the Balkans as the tinderbox of Europe seemed , to have faded. Now the region is once again in flames, igniting fears of a broader conflagration. For years, Yugoslavia was the acceptable face of communism: estranged from Moscow, a pioneer of peaceful coexistence with…
2 Sep 1991
Policymakers in the U.S., Britain, Canada and the Netherlands remained convinced that throwing money at Gorbachev was no cure for his country’s crippling economic ills.
Though it was mercifully short-lived, the specter of a totalitarian regime in Moscow and a revival of the cold war badly frightened the world’s major industrial powers. The nightmare evaporated quickly, but it left the wealthy democracies facing an urgent question: What were the best ways to help ensure that…
24 Nov 1986
Rhine, Western Europe’s most vital river, was polluted as a result of a fire in Switzerland. Dutch Minister Neelie Kroes complained for not properly warning neighboring countries.
Throughout history, the Rhine has been Western Europe’s most vital river, serving as both a source of inspiration and a critical strategic and commercial byway. German Composer Richard Wagner used the river as the backdrop for his monumental operatic cycle, The Ring. Otto von Bismarck boasted that the stirring song…
The summit meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev on the SDI had ended in failure. In the Netherlands, the Inter-Church Peace Council deplored that a “historic chance that was missed.”
Flying home from Reykjavik at the start of last week, Ronald Reagan appeared to be winging from one debacle to another. The dejection in the President’s carriage as he walked out of Hofdi house, the disappointment etched into every line of Secretary of State George Shultz’s face as he briefed…
Dutch opposition politicians, especially those on the left, condemned the bombing raid by the U.S. on Gaddafi’s Libya.
The blow, when it finally fell, was unexpectedly jarring. Despite years of agonized Western debate about combatting terrorism, months of mostly fruitless diplomatic maneuvering, weeks of U.S. warnings and finally days of ominous public silence, the world still seemed unprepared when the bombers struck. Although Libya had felt the sting…
After 335 years of not precisely raging warfare, the Netherlands and the Scilly Islands, 28 miles off England’s southwest coast, are once again at peace.
After 335 years of not precisely raging warfare, the Netherlands and the & Scilly Islands are once again at peace. In 1651 the Dutch dispatched twelve warships to the islands, which are British territory situated 28 miles off England’s southwest coast. The islands were harboring pirates who had been menacing…
With an eye to the likely deployment of missiles in the NL., the proposal from the Sofia meeting might suggest refraining stationing nuclear weapons in nations that do not already have them.
Disarray, disability and a death in the Kremlin had forced postponement of the Warsaw Pact’s biennial summit meeting for nearly a year. So by the time convoys of ZIL and Chaika limousines were finally streaking through the yellow brick streets of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, the meeting last week…
22 Apr 1985
Foreign Minister Van den Broek, who visited Moscow, said that Gromyko seemed unwilling to make any concessions or any effort to understand the Dutch point of view.
For a month Ronald Reagan had been playing something of an unaccustomed role: the overanxious suitor. At nearly every opportunity, he betrayed his eagerness to meet with his Soviet counterpart. Two days after Mikhail Gorbachev was named Soviet Communist Party leader, Reagan invited him to a tete-a-tete in the…
The Dutch decision pleased neither the U.S. nor the peace movement: if Soviets add even a single SS-20 missile to their present arsenal, The NL will accept the full complement of cruises.
Hoping for a show of unity, Reagan takes his record on the road
It is the sort of sentimental journey most tourists can only dream of: the successful American’s triumphal visit to the land from which obscure forebears set out for the New World generations ago. And so Ronald Reagan’s…
Soviet Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov warned that the new NATO missiles “increased the probability of a nuclear conflict.” The Soviet warning was certain to heighten anxiety in the NL.
Moscow issues plenty of bluster but no word on Sakharov
“In Washington, they are not interested in reaching agreement. They only speculate in general terms about the usefulness of dialogue.” That note of scorn in Soviet Leader Konstantin Chernenko’s remarks to West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher last week was…