Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for Science & Techn.

What Makes Us Moral


Science is now learning what makes us both noble and terrible. Primatologist Frans de Waal saw at the Arnhem Zoo how apes vigorously enforced group norms.

If the entire human species were a single individual, that person would long ago have been declared mad. The insanity would not lie in the anger and darkness of the human mind—though it can be a black and raging place indeed. And it certainly wouldn’t lie in the transcendent…

The Gift Of Mimicry


The University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands discovered insight into the mechanisms by which humans communicate their innermost desires and feelings.

For 20 minutes Andrea McColl, a research assistant at the University of Southern California, has been repeating the same string of nonsense syllables, changing her intonation on cue. When a smiling cartoon face pops up on the screen in front of her, she tries to sound happy. When a…

What Makes Us Buy?


Neuromarketing, coined by a marketing professor at Erasmus University, is the use of neuroscience to better understand how our brain reacts to advertising, brands and products.

On a recent Wednesday night, Eleanor Phipp spent and hour watching commercial television. Nothing unusual about that–except that Phipp, 30, was in a dark room at a South London medical center, lying inside a loudly whirring functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner that mapped her brain as video…

Bye Bye Birdies


Dutch scientists report that populations of a migratory species called the pied flycatcher have plummeted an astonishing 90% over the past two decades because of climate change.

Even after an unusually mild winter, the return of spring to North America feels like a blessing. Parents are dragging their toddlers to the park. Students are dusting off their Frisbees. And bird watchers, armed with binoculars and guidebooks, are heading out to search for their favorite species.


How to Make a Better Vaccine


Jaap Goudsmit, chief scientific officer for Netherlands-based Crucell, which supplies cell-culture technology, expects to test the first cell-based avian-flu vaccine as early as next spring.

More than half of the $7.1 billion that President Bush wants to spend preparing for a flu pandemic is dedicated to finding better ways to make antiviral drugs and vaccines, an investment that scientists say is long overdue. Flu vaccines were being grown in chicken eggs more than 50 years…

Best Inventions 2005: Bot Crazy


iCat, is a new invention of Philips Research of Eindhoven. The notion of robot as home companion is nothing new, but iCat adds a human dimension to the job: an expressive face.

Follow the Leader
Inventor: Toshiba Corp
Availability: Prototype only
To Learn More: 2005_05/pr2001.htm
Robots may not invade anytime soon, but there’s no denying that they’re getting smarter. The ball-shaped ApriAlpha uses advanced voice-recognition technology to distinguish between voices coming from different locations. When Alpha hears a voice, it…

Old Bones, New Hope


Erasmus University researchers found that men and women with the highest levels of homocysteine had twice the risk of suffering a fracture compared with those with the lowest levels.

Brittle bones can be more than just a bother for anyone who is getting on in years. About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis–a gradual thinning of the bones–and 1.5 million of them will suffer a fracture this year. That’s why doctors were so interested in a pair of…

Raising The Kursk


A 459-ft. barge from the Netherlands, the Giant 4, will raise the sunken Russian nuclear submarine Kursk.

A year after the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk mysteriously exploded and sank with 118 sailors aboard, an international team is trying to raise the vessel–or most of it–to the surface. This week salvagers are scheduled to begin the dangerous process of slicing off the heavily damaged torpedo compartment,…

A Climate Of Despair


To fight climate change wind power is a new technology. The Netherlands will soon be getting into the game in a big way, building one of the world’s largest wind farms five miles offshore.

The ambassadors from the 15-nation European Union got more than they bargained for when they invited National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to lunch two weeks ago. The gathering, a regular ritual in Washington, was held at the Swedish ambassador’s residence, and as often happens, a representative of the White House…

Trouble Brewing


Researchers from the NL. studied the effect of coffee consumption. The bottom line: drinking 48 oz. of unfiltered coffee a day may carry a 10% increase in risk for heart attack or stroke.

Are you one of the millions of Americans who can’t start the day without a steaming cup of coffee? Growing dependence on that morning caffeine jolt has made the U.S. one of the biggest coffee consumers in the world, swallowing about one-third of the world’s coffee production. Is that good…



Neurologists from Leiden University in the Netherlands have for the first time isolated a gene that is linked to some types of migraines.

The Inca used to treat headaches by drilling a hole in the skull. The French favored cold compresses. Today we use shelffuls of heavily advertised over-the-counter remedies: aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, Aleve. But how much do scientists really know about headaches and what causes them? Quite a bit, as doctors who…

A Reliable Bag of Tricks


At the expo World Fair in Sevilla, the Netherlands’ eco-pavilion is exemplary, novel and fun. An open steel superstructure crisscrossed by escalators and ramps.




THE BOTTOM LINE: An overblown look at work that exemplifies the delights — and limits — of skillful realism.

FOR SOME DECADES NOW, THE eye-fooler William Harnett (1848-92) has been one of the…

Airvision Inc., a joint venture of Warner Bros. and the Netherlands’ Philips, equips a Boeing 747 with a video system that allows passengers to watch anything of their choice on TV.

It may be enough to make the most dedicated couch potato feel right at home, even while cruising at 40,000 ft. Last week Northwest Airlines rolled out a Boeing 747 equipped with Airvision, a video system that allows passengers to watch their choice of anything from movies to cartoons on…

Annual sales of the newest high-tech wonder, the Compact Disk by Sony & Philips, which came on the U.S. market in 1983, will be the fastest-selling machine in home-electronics history.

The sound is as pure and compelling as a siren song, and consumers seem powerless to resist. They have been snapping up compact disk players, which reproduce music with near perfection, at a rate that is overwhelming both retailers and manufacturers. Annual sales of the newest high-tech wonder, which came…

Robot Sabotage


Gerrit Nijland, a professor of industrial robotics has concluded a study of the acceptance of the robots in his country. The most common form of sabotage was to slow down the machines.

As the Industrial Revolution gathered strength in the 19th century, English workmen attempted to destroy new textile machines because they seemed to be taking away their jobs. Nearly two centuries later, some employees are using similar tactics against the new robots that are beginning to appear in more and more…

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