Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for birds

Bye Bye Birdies


Dutch scientists report that populations of a migratory species called the pied flycatcher have plummeted an astonishing 90% over the past two decades because of climate change.

Even after an unusually mild winter, the return of spring to North America feels like a blessing. Parents are dragging their toddlers to the park. Students are dusting off their Frisbees. And bird watchers, armed with binoculars and guidebooks, are heading out to search for their favorite species.


Fighting the Birds


In the past seven years the Dutch Air Force has recorded 413 bird-plane collisions. Zoologist Dr. Hardenberg found a way to prevent bird accidents.

As long as any Dutchmen can remember, the airspace over their crowded lowlands has swarmed with birds. But the birds have increasing competition. Part of the sky over The Netherlands has been invaded by commercial air routes; another part has been taken over by the military. And the birds are…

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