Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
In the Netherlands manure from pigs poses a major ecological threat, defiling water supplies with excessive nitrates and acidifying local soils.
VERMIN. THE WORD reminds most people of cockroaches scuttling across kitchen floors and rats skulking in dark basement corners. But to Jeremy Rifkin, the environmental movement’s most prominent polemicist, vermin are big, brown-eyed ungulates that graze the rolling countryside, chew their cud and moo. In his controversial new book, Beyond…
The Dutch writer Janwillem van de Wetering writes about Amsterdam policemen and the statutes and terrors that govern their lives in his new book The Maine Massacre.
THE MAINE MASSACRE by Janwillem van de Wetering
Houghton Mifflin; 256 pages; $8.95
The demimonde of mystery fans is divided into amateurs and professionals.
What aficionado has not been confined in a summer cottage on a rainy day with someone who does not know about thrillers and keeps announcing every…
Cornelius Ryan’s book A Bridge Too Far, writes in awesome detail, phase one of Operation Market-Garden.
670 pages. Simon & Schuster. $12.50.
It was very much like the closing stage of a chess game. Checkmate seemed inevitable, but no one was sure when or how it would come. Since D-day (June 5, 1944), W.W. II had turned around…
Walter Maass writes about Dutch resistance, humor and trains in his book The Netherlands At War: 1940-1945. Maass’s book is orderly and stolid as the people he writes about.
THE NETHERLANDS AT WAR: 1940-1 945 by Walter B. Maass. 264 pages. Abe-lard-Schuman. $6.95.
For most Americans, the story of The Netherlands during the second World War is the story of a life in the attic: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. What this concise new history…
To know what happened with Anne Frank, author Ernst Schnabel searched the German and Dutch archives and interviewed survivors of the camps who might have known her.
The diary of 15-year-old Anne Frank ended abruptly when the Nazis broke into her family’s hiding place in Amsterdam. What happened next? Of the last days of one of the world’s best-known modern heroines, little was known except that she had died, like millions of other Jews, in a German…
Colonel H. J. Giskes, onetime chief of German military counterespionage in The Netherlands, tells how he masterminded Operation North Pole.
LONDON CALLING NORTH POLE (208 pp.)—H. J. Giskes—British Book Centre ($3.50).
The decisive moment for Operation North Pole came at 2 p.m. on March 15, 1942. At that moment H. M. G. Lauwers, a Dutch agent of British Intelligence, sat in a German police headquarters near The Hague…
Booksellers all over the world are preparing to meet the demand for the book ‘Imitation of Christ’ from Thomas à Kempis, who lived most of his life in the Netherlands.
Thomas Haemerken came from Kempen near Düsseldorf. He was a shy, quiet little German monk with fresh coloring and piercing brown eyes. He was gentle with everyone, especially the poor. When the psalms were chanted he often stretched on tiptoe toward heaven with his face turned upward. He seldom had…
A book has been published about the managing director of Royal Dutch Oil company, Mr. Deterding.
Hendrik August Wilhelm Deterding, third son of a Dutch sailor, went into an Amsterdam bank at the age of 16 and fell in love with figures, quit after six years because banking was too slow a way up in the world. He went to the East Indies, worked for the…
Two books have published recently, one by a Dutch retired director of the Gynecological Clinic, called Ideal Marriage, Its Physiology & Technique.
The U. S. is now sufficiently adult to study a book on connubial hygiene, Federal Judge John Munro Woolsey of Manhattan decided last month. Thereupon Putnam’s rushed the printing and, last week, published Marie Carmichael Stopes’s Married Love— the first of her eight monographs on sex activity. Professionally she is…