Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for Business



Dutch government publicly identified Prince Bernhard as the “high Dutch official”. The cabinet hastily appointed a special investigative commission.

The unending flow of disclosures of corporate bribes and illegal political contributions to officials in the U.S. and abroad has spread a darkening stain over the global reputation of American business. Throughout the revelations of the past 18 months, however, there was one minor consolation: reports of rampant payoffs by…



After five years of glaring at their old colonial masters, the hard-pressed Indonesians are showing some willingness to do business with the Dutch. Frits Philips made an agreement.

∙ After five years of glaring at their old colonial masters, the hard-pressed Indonesians are showing some willingness to do business with the Dutch. Philips Lamp President Frits Philips, 58, whose giant corporation wrote off Indonesian factories worth $5,300,000 after President Sukarno kicked the Dutch out, is just back from…

Can’t Beat the Dutch


Months prior to the invasion the Dutch quietly and succesfully moved their valuable possessions outside the country.

Last week the wry-crossed flag of Germany floated blood-red over counting houses and office buildings where Continental Europe’s No. 1 commercial nation. The Netherlands, had transacted the rich business of her vast empire. But bare as a tooth socket was many a captured vault and till. For months their contents…

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