Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for celebration



Leyden University, founded by William of Orange in 1575, celebrated its 350th birthday. Queen Wilhelmina visited Leyden.

In the quaint old town of Leyden, lying midway between The Hague and Haarlem, the lofty tower of the Hooglandsche Kerk looked down upon gala scenes: the university, founded by William of Orange in 1575, was celebrating its 350th birthday.

At one period of the day, Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina drove…

Queen “Willemientje”


Willemientje (little Wilhelmina) as she remains to the Dutch, 25 years a Queen, entered her capital upon her Silver Jubilee and birthday celebration amid great enthusiasm.

Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina, or Willemientje (little Wilhelmina) as she remains to the Dutch, 25 years a queen, entered her capital upon her Silver Jubilee and birthday celebration amid great enthusiasm.

The Queen, dressed entirely in white relieved only by a bouquet of mauve orchids, was accompanied by her consort, Prince…

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