Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
In The Hague, a Tassman, a correspondents for Tass, the official Russian news agency, who often behave more like Communist agents than reporters, was jailed on espionage charges.
Correspondents for Tass, the official Russian news agency, often behave more like Communist agents than reporters. But, though some U.S. newsmen suspect Tassmen, many of whom have little journalistic training, of being spies, they are rarely caught at it. (In Canada, one Tassman skipped home in 1945, just before he…
Lecturing in the U.S. Dutchborn Professor Dirk Struik is according to the FBI an active and dedicated Communist. A nationwide fund-raising campaign began in his defense.
Except for a scattering of top-level mathematicians across the nation, and the students in his classes at M.I.T., few Americans had ever heard of Dirk J. Struik when his name first appeared in the news two years ago. He was a mousy-looking mathematician who had come to the U.S. from…
In Finsterwolde, communists have been in the majority, in peacetime years since 1933. Last week the Dutch government asked Parliament to dissolve the Finsterwolde town council.
Finsterwolde (pop. 3,250) in northeastern Holland, hard by the German frontier, looks like any other scrubbed Dutch town; but it is not. Every year Finsterwolde sends a wire addressed to the Kremlin offering Joseph Stalin birthday congratulations. And Finsterwolde’s town fathers have officially made known that should Soviet forces cross…
If the fall of China meant a Communist Far East (as European statesmen assumed that it ultimately would) then Marshall Plan dollars would not be able to help Europe much.
“You never hear the one that hits you,” the soldiers say. This observation, both comforting and terrifying, applies also to the great nations and civilizations now on history’s casualty lists. When disaster comes they are looking the other way, or else they are certain that the disaster does not matter…
Legend has made the Netherlands “a little country.” With Communist outbreaks in the Dutch East Indies, few U. S. citizens realized that almost half as many live under the Dutch as under the U.S. flag.
Because quaint windmills slowly twirl on the famed Island of Marken, tourists forget that nearby Amsterdam is as populous as Boston. Legend has made the Netherlands “a little country.” Therefore when news came last week of fresh Communist outbreaks in the Dutch East Indies, few U. S. citizens realized that…
Throughout Western Java in the Netherlandic Indies concerted Communist revolts broke out last week and were supressed by the military.
Throughout Western Java in the Netherlandic Indies concerted Communist revolts broke out last week, seemingly indicating that the Indonesian Communist Party is much stronger than Netherlanders had thought. In Batavia, a mob made wild a sultry night with shootings and torch-flamings. In lesser towns, murders of district-chiefs were reported.