Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for crimes

The Jungschlaeger Case


Dutch citizen Jungschlaeger was accused of conspiring to overthrow the Indonesian government. It became obvious that the trial was overhung with political passions irrelevant to justice.

In none of the newly independent nations of the Far East is hatred for the disinherited colonial masters so bitter and abiding as in Indonesia; in none is the notion of simple courtroom justice so little understood. Indonesia’s bitterness and its slap-happy courtroom practices have reached fever pitch in the…

A Mild Little Boy


Old Dutch commando force leader Raymond Westerling was jailed in Singapore. U.S.I. officials demanded he be sent to Jakarta, to be tried for “crimes perpetrated by him in Indonesia.”

In Istanbul some 30 years ago, a baby was born to a Dutch antique dealer named Westerling and his Greek wife. Frére Adolphe, who afterwards taught young Raymond Westerling in Istanbul’s French Catholic St. Joseph school, recalled that he was “a mild, well-mannered, moon-faced little boy.” Raymond’s later development was…

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