Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Rock Hudson plays in the film The Spiral Road, an aggressive, self-centered young doctor out from The Netherlands for a five-year tour of duty in the tropical Dutch East Indies.
The Spiral Road, metaphorically, leads to God. If filmgoers find themselves slightly agape to discover Rock Hudson traveling this road, they will be no more taken aback than the character Rock plays, an aggressive, self-centered young doctor out from The Netherlands for a five-year tour of duty in the tropical…
Dutch oilfield engineers and technicians went ashore close behind the attacking Australians carrying equipment shipped under Lend-Lease from the U.S.
At Borneo’s Tarakan Island last week Dutch oilfield engineers and technicians went ashore close behind the attacking Australians. With them they carried oilfield tools and equipment shipped under Lend-Lease from the U.S.
It was not by chance that the trained oilmen and their equipment were on hand for the Tarakan…
Congressman Richard J. Welch (R., Calif.) wanted to know why scarce steel was being used to build 30 merchant ships in U.S. yards for the Dutch Government.
Congressman Richard J. Welch (R., Calif.) wanted to know why scarce steel was being used to build 30 merchant ships in U.S. yards for the Dutch Government. To this logical question he got a logical answer. Said the Maritime Commission’s Vice Admiral Emery S. Land: when the ships are completed…
Henry J. Kaiser shipbuiliding co. fixed the first postwar contract with the Dutch: 30 diesel cargo ships designed for the Netherlands East Indies coastwise trade.
Irrepressible, indefatigable Henry J. Kaiser is fixing to cop the first postwar contract in the shipbuilding industry. The contract: 30 diesel cargo ships designed for the Netherlands East Indies coastwise trade. The production schedule: building to begin “long before” year’s end. Henry and the Dutch, equally shrewd, figured the ships…
In the heart of the Netherlands Indies American bombers successfully completed the second longest air raid for land-based bombers in the Pacific War.
It was noon, and the tropic sun beat down on placid Macassar, in the Celebes, deep in the heart of The Netherlands Indies. Macassar had served the Jap well as an inner base through which to funnel supplies to forward areas. Last week there were six medium-sized cargo vessels…
Japan attacked the NL. East-Indies. The Dutch, in need for help, got some – but not enough – from U.S. bombers. The Allies, in the end, finally recognized its tremendous strategic importance.
The next prize that the Jap wants is the rich Netherlands East Indies. Last week while he was still fighting in Luzon and Malaya he struck at the Indies, for their supplies of oil, rubber, metals and all the other storied riches by whose possession he could tilt the economy…
The Netherlands East Indies, so far unattacked, declared war in the knowledge that they would be attacked sooner or later.
The first crashing blows were so widespread that it looked as if the Japanese were trying to realize their “Heavensent,” Hell-patented ambition of dominating the Pacific all at one fell shock. Actually they had no such crazy plan. They had, instead, a pattern of attack for a first move which…
A report on the Netherlands-Indies, since all Japan’s plans are made with an eye on the Indies, the Dutch are buying war equipment in the U.S. Van Mook is portrayed as a strong negiotiator.
Abandoning his tour of Western Austral ia and summoning his Cabinet, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies hurried back to Melbourne this week. The chips were down in the Far East ; the next thing to be seen was Japan’s hand. Bob Menzies said that the people of Australia were standing… View large cover
The Netherlands East Indies bought large quantity of a new military rifle. It is needed to protect East India rubber, tin, oil, and is of immediate defense concern to the U.S.
Across a red brick factory near Providence, R.I. a huge sign sprawls: UNIVERSAL WINDING co., WORLD’S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TEXTILE WINDING MACHINES.
Behind that peaceful boast, a miracle in production-for-war was being worked last week. Nine months from scratch—in just half the time normally necessary for production preliminaries—Universal…
For air-raid shelters, recently dug trenches in Surabaya, Java, are used as W.C.s by natives.
Surabaya, Java, for air-raid shelters, recently dug trenches, screened them with bamboo as protection against bomb splinters and flying debris. Last week travelers from Java reported that a few weeks after the shelters were built pleased natives wrote a letter of thanks to the Government. “Thank you very much for…
The U.S. faces a changing world. Germany invaded the NL. In the West-Indies refineries are protected by the French. In the East-Indies German ships were seized by the Dutch.
We . . . believe in a civilization of construction and not of destruction. . . . Can we continue our peaceful construction if all the other continents embrace by preference or by compulsion a wholly different principle of life?
That question President Roosevelt last week asked of 2,500 delegates…
Wilhelmina, a woman of plain tastes, and Juliana visited Paris for an exhibition about the Dutch East-Indies.
She is a good woman of plain tastes; she has an Eastern empire and a fat Prince Consort; she is the Queen Victoria of today; she was last week in Paris for the first time in 19 years—Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, Duchess of Mecklenburg, Hon…
Princess Juliana turns 21 and moves to Huis Ten Bosch, several newspaper ask the question why she hasn’t visited the Dutch East-Indies yet.
A buxom, healthy, studious Dutch girl reached the age of 21 last week, celebrated by moving from her town residence at The Hague to an estate called the “House in the Wood.” One and all, Dutch newspapers congratulated the young woman, but a few of the very oldest and most aristocratic…
The Islamic-Nationalist riots burst out again last week in Sumatra. As usual the Dutch press, ignorantly or maliciously, referred to the malcontents as “Communists.”
The Islamic-Nationalist riots, recently suppressed in Java (TIME, Nov. 22) burst out again last week in Sumatra. Dutch troops of the Netherlandic East Indies forces arrested 550 rioters at Siloengkang, shot 100. As usual the Dutch press, ignorantly or maliciously, referred to the malcontents as “Communists.”
Legend has made the Netherlands “a little country.” With Communist outbreaks in the Dutch East Indies, few U. S. citizens realized that almost half as many live under the Dutch as under the U.S. flag.
Because quaint windmills slowly twirl on the famed Island of Marken, tourists forget that nearby Amsterdam is as populous as Boston. Legend has made the Netherlands “a little country.” Therefore when news came last week of fresh Communist outbreaks in the Dutch East Indies, few U. S. citizens realized that…