Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Stikker, a selfcalled multilateral diplomatist, will be the new ’super-boss’ of the OECC, the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.
Two weeks ago, ECAdministrator Paul Hoffman set out for Europe with the avowed intention of seeking some tangible progress on European integration which might impress the U.S. Congress. His program for the 18 Marshall Plan members included: 1) abolition of double pricing (one price for domestic consumption, another for exports)…
Because Belgians won’t accept the Dutch paying nonconvertible guilders the Dutch use Marshall Plan dollars to build their railway equipment industry, which works against economic unity.
A struggle to decide the economic shape of Europe is building up. One of the open ing skirmishes was fought last week when eight leading representatives of OEEC (Organization for European Economic Cooperation) met in Paris. The engagement was screened by a fog of long technical words and its result…
The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are well on the way to economic unity. Ready to adopt a joint customs schedule for all foreign goods shipped into the Lowlands.
While people talked, more earnestly than ever before, about a possible European federation, the Lowlands countries did something about it. The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (an economic unit which would likely rank third after U.S. and Britain as the world’s biggest free-enterprise producer and customer) were well on the way…