Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Nowhere is ecumenical enthusiasm for Reformation Day greater than in the NL. Catholic, Protestant and Jewish scholars have participated in preparing a series of documentaries on Luther.
On Oct. 29, Reformation Sunday, members of ten Protestant churches in Albert Lea, Minn., will proceed in a motorcade to the Roman Catholic Benedictine Abbey of St. John’s at Collegeville. There, leaders of the churches will hand over the proceeds of a special collection as a contribution toward completing a…
Ecumenical marriage ceremonies have taken place in the methodically unity-seeking Netherlands.
“Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder,” intoned the Rev. Claudius Miller, an Episcopal minister, at the wedding last month of Susan Ekberg, an Episcopalian, and Patrick C. Barker, a Roman Catholic. The words were from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, and the wedding…