Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for escaped



Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, escaped unhurt, lost two bodyguards, in a direct bomb hit on the house in which she was staying near London.

Ethel Waters was drawing record crowds last week to the same nightspot in which she first sang on Broadway 20 years ago (Cafe Zanzibar—then the Plantation Club). On her dressing table the husky, dusky chanteuse propped a framed poem,

Tell God About It. Excerpts:

O workers in the busy…

Industrial Diamonds


In New York members of a Dutch diamond firm concluded that some of The Netherlands’ skilled cutters had escaped to London and asked to ship cutting equipment.

In their rich, paneled offices off an awninged terrace overlooking the Hudson in downtown Manhattan, officials of the Dutch diamond firm of J. K. Smit & Sons were solemn last week. Amsterdam and their home office were in Nazi hands. So, too, they feared, were snow-haired Johan Smit, head of…

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