Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for German

The Friendly Invasion


Change of attitude on German tourists happened over the years, they are welcomed now. The Dutch Tourist Bureau was complaining it needed more money to attract more Germans.

The new German invasion of Europe was at flood tide last week. Only this time, instead of carrying guns, the Germans clutched fistfuls of lire, francs, guilders, dinars, schillings. Some 5,000,000 of them are pouring south and west in an eager tourist flight from the greyer skies and industrial soot…

Dynamite in the Dikes


The Dutch will blow up several dikes to flood one third of the country, in case of a German invasion. The report further analyzes how and if an invasion is fruitful for the Germans.

As Britain’s Neville Chamberlain schemed feverishly last week to stave off further German aggression, the world wondered where Adolf Hitler would next strike. The Dutch were afraid they knew.

Some military experts have long thought that, rather than a suicidal attack on the subterranean forts, tank traps and concrete…

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