Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for NATO

A Damned Near-Run Thing


Opposition socialist parties managed to put the Dutch Parliament as opposing the missile plan. Premier Van Agt dashed off to Washington, Rome, London & Bonn in search of a compromise.

The allies vote to strengthen Europe’s strike force with new missiles

A few miles south of the Brussels headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization lies the field of Waterloo. The famous battle that took place there in 1815 was, as the victorious Duke of Wellington said afterward, “a damned…

Diplomat in Stocking Feet


Joseph Luns’ new post is as NATO’s civilian chief. He has worked as hard for Western European unity and cooperation with the U.S. as any statesman on the Continent.

THE crown of my career” is the way Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Marie Antoine Hubert Luns describes his new post as NATO’s civilian chief. The phrasing is apt. In his 19 years as The Netherlands’ ranking diplomat, Luns, 59, has worked as hard for Western European unity and cooperation with…



Based on the available figures and on guesses TIME says the Netherlands has “nothing now” available to NATO. There is astiff opposition to military spending at expense of welfare.

This is a full U.S. infantry division (Pennsylvania’s 28th, National Guard). How many such divisions can the Western allies muster against Russia’s 175 divisions? Despite Eisenhower’s reluctance to give a specific answer, some facts & figures are available. The following is a catalogue of the twelve NATO nations’ ground strength,…



Twelve nations are signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty, among them, the Netherlands.

Twelve nations are signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Determined to “safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples,” they resolved to “unite their efforts for . . . the preservation…

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