Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for natural gas

Gas Fever & Coal Chills


In The Netherlands the Gasunie marketing combine expects a complete changeover by household gas users to natural Groningen gas by the end of 1966.


Europe’s newly discovered riches of natural gas are creating a major upheaval in the world’s fastest growing energy market. Across the Continent, the new gas finds are lighting an investment fever and bringing some chills to a vulnerable competitor, coal. As estimates grow of the size of The…

The Gas Battle


Lately rumors of huge natural gas findings on the Waddenzee islands have brought other oil companies rushing in with hopes of getting a piece or prospecting offshore.

On the wind-whipped Waddenzee Islands of The Netherlands last week, battered landing craft disgorged load after load of equipment and intense men from as far away as Texas, Kuwait and Brunei. Growling Land-Rovers raced up and down sandy stretches recently surrendered by vacationing Dutchmen; helicopters whirred overhead. The invaders represented…

Dutch Treatment


In 1959, after eleven years of test-drilling, a Dutch oil company finally hit natural gas in the province of Groningen. Fortnight ago they were allowed to tap the fields.

In 1959, after eleven years of test-drilling, a Dutch oil company jointly owned by Shell and Jersey Standard finally hit natural gas under the muddy reclaimed soil of The Netherlands’ north eastern province of Groningen. How big the fields were neither the oilmen nor the government ever felt moved to…

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