Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
The U.S. might find itself at war with Japan. Such an attack would give the U. S. Britain and The Netherlands as allies.
As Washington talked under its breath last week of the possibility that the U. S. might soon find itself at war with Japan, Admiral Harold Raynsford Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral James Richardson, Commander in Chief of the U. S. Fleet, and Secretary of Navy Frank Knox conferred in…
Dutch Minister of Finance, De Geer, resigned from the Cabinet because he did not agree with his colleagues over the Big Navy Program sponsored by Admiral van Karnebeek.
Jonkheer D. J. De Geer, Dutch Minister of Finance, resigned from the Cabinet because he did not agree with his colleagues over the Big Navy Program sponsored by Admiral van Karnebeek (TIME, May 19). This fact led to a wide popular outburst on the part of the Dutch people against the…
To protect the possessions overseas a bill is introduced to increase the naval forces.
Following the passage of the Singapore Naval Base bill in the British Parliament (reported last week), the Dutch Parliament bethought itself of Holland’s possessions in the East Indies. The more the perturbed Parliamentarians thought of the matter, the more they became convinced that a large navy is necessary to protect the…