Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
For the first time, politicians were predicting that when the deployment plan comes up for parliamentary approval in June, Lubbers will almost certainly fall short of the required majority.
Britain ends a protest as The Netherlands hesitates over missiles
At the first light of a chilly dawn, 350 British police and bailiffs converged on the main gate of the Royal Air Force base at Greenham Common. For nearly three years, a ragtag band of women demonstrators had captured headlines…
Opposition socialist parties managed to put the Dutch Parliament as opposing the missile plan. Premier Van Agt dashed off to Washington, Rome, London & Bonn in search of a compromise.
The allies vote to strengthen Europe’s strike force with new missiles
A few miles south of the Brussels headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization lies the field of Waterloo. The famous battle that took place there in 1815 was, as the victorious Duke of Wellington said afterward, “a damned…
Dutch churches have been centres of opposition to the Reich. Pastors and churchmen have been thrown into concentrationcamps.
Twice last week the Christian Cross was raised in captive Europe to defy the will of the conquering Nazis.
In Norway the seven bishops of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, in a letter to the State’s Councilor, issued the boldest public indictment yet launched against the Nazi “new order.” Timed with…