Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
The Netherlands have abandoned gasoline rationing. Recently Rotterdam was so jammed with tankers that some had to be sent to Antwerp in Belgium to unload.
While gasoline lines are growing longer and local rationing plans are proliferating in the U.S., fears of a disastrous scarcity of oil are fading rapidly in most of the rest of the world. To many Americans, that contrast must suggest the suspicion that the energy crisis is something that is…
7 Jan 1974
The Dutch are rationing at least partly out of embarrassment because of previously instituted conservation measures that were less stringent than those of their unembargoed neighbors.
The gloom that has enveloped the industrialized West since the Arabs unsheathed their oil weapon in October lightened last week. Arab nations announced an easing of their production cutbacks—and around the world, there was growing suspicion that they never did slash oil output as much as they had…