Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for reform

Demilitarizing the Army


The reform-minded Dutch government canceled all military parades planned for the Queen Juliana’s 25-year reign celebrations. It would “not fit the mentality” of the Dutch.

Much as the Dutch like the clatter of wooden shoes on cobblestone streets, they have always detested the clicking of military heels. It reminds them of the years of Wehrmacht occupation. They would prefer the army to walk softly, the way resistance fighters did during World War II.

Thus the…



If reports were true, Wilhelmina, 64, might soon abdicate in favor of her son-in-law, Prince Consort Bernhard. She invited two leaders of the new political forces (Schermerhorn & Drees).

Belgium’s northern neighbor was also royally expectant last week. If reports from The Netherlands were true, Queen Wilhelmina, 64, might soon abdicate in favor of her son-in-law, Prince Consort Bernhard. At the same time she would raise his status from Prince Consort to King. Behind the rumored move were the…

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