Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for retreat



The Dutch, Indonesians and the U.N. Commission for Indonesia met to put the finishing touches on a Dutch-Indonesian agreement. The Dutch would peacefully return capital Jogjakarta.

In the roof-garden ballroom of Batavia’s elegantly seedy Hotel des Indes, 40 white-suited delegates and aides representing the Dutch, the Indonesians and the U.N. Commission for Indonesia met one evening last week to put the finishing touches on a Dutch-Indonesian agreement. After a quiet 45 minutes in the steamy 90°…

Crossings Ahead


Allied airmen reported Germans were moving troops eastward in The Netherlands. This might foretell a Nazi evacuation of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, The Hague.

As usual when victory is in the air. Winston Churchill was as jolly and prankish as a boy on a picnic. Touring the conquered Siegfried Line, the Prime Minister gaily flicked ashes on the futile, grey-green, concrete dragon’s teeth which Hitler had set up to keep tanks out of the…

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