Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Because of Dutch support of Israel, tanker traffic into Rotterdam, the world’s largest oil port, will be slashed 70% by the end of this month. The ban will be felt in the entire Common Market.
Like a great natural disaster, the oil drought caused by the Arabs’ cutback on production spread ominously through the industrial nations last week. Despite glaring signals of severe shortages ahead, leading consumer countries from Germany to Japan were in disarray. They often worked at cross purposes as each scrambled to…
Rotterdam has completed the first phase of the world’s most sophisticated, fully automated, air-pollution-warning system, which will soon be nationwide. It consists of 31 electric “sniffers”.
Bombed to rubble in World War II, Rotterdam later became a marvel of economic growth. Holland’s second biggest city now boasts the world’s busiest port and a vast complex of petrochemical plants with blue-chip owners like Shell and British Petroleum. Unfortunately, the marvel also gushes appalling fumes — acrylates, hydrocarbons, paint…
At Rotterdam’s Europoort, with there massive oil refineries, deepened the port’s sea channel to accommodate larger tankers.
Although Middle East oil production is near its prewar level, the refineries of Western Europe will continue to feel the pinch for some time to come. Reason: until the Suez Canal is un plugged, oil tankers must take a two-week detour around the Cape of Good Hope. At…
Europe’s biggest seaport Rotterdam has launched a campaign to pass New York as the world’s biggest port and are busily building a $250 million addition, called Europoort.
The Dutch port of Rotterdam is already Europe’s biggest seaport, and the prosperity of the Common Market pours through it in a growing current of trade. Strategically set astride the Rhine-Maas waterway, which leads to the heart of industrial Europe, Rotterdam handles more cargo than Antwerp, Bremen and Hamburg put…
An unsympathetic Dutch court last week sentenced Friedrich Adler to four months in jail, who in 1917 was convicted of assassinating the then Austrian Imperial Chancellor, Count Stürgkh.
More members of labor unions throughout the world are affiliated with the Second (Socialist) International than with any other group. Its secretary is Dr. Friedrich Wolfgang Adler, an Austrian who in 1917 was convicted of assassinating the then Austrian Imperial Chancellor, Count Stürgkh, but was amnestied. Socialist workers throughout the world…
Dutch trade is suffering from the French blockade of the Ruhr, especially in Rotterdam.
Dutch trade is suffering from the French blockade of the Ruhr. At Rotterdam, Holland’s largest port, shipping has been brought practically to a standstill. Thousands are without work.
Before the Ruhr occupation most of Germany’s trade from that great industrial area passed down the Rhine and through Rotterdam. The new situation…