Netherlands in TIME magazine

Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )

Archive for strategic

Rubber and Tin


With The Netherlands at war, Japan might cut off the supply of rubber and tin from The Netherlands-Indies, from where the U. S. gets major portions of the two strategic materials.

Far out on the Pacific last week lay the U. S. battle fleet, its maneuvers completed, its next job not yet laid out. Beyond the battle fleet and across the Pacific many a U. S. businessman cast an uneasy mind’s eye. For south and east from the foot of Thailand…

General Dike


Strategic defense actions have been taken in the Netherlands, tensions of an upcoming attack grew. The state of siege was extended to all towns and villages in the defense areas.

Some weeks ago the Nazi High Command sent, as a handsome present to The Netherlands High Command, 1,500 copies of the official military map of Germany, showing every creek and hillock, every canal and road and bridge. Couple of days later the Nazi High Command hinted delicately to The Netherlands…

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