Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Suriname have begun to open huge tracts of forests for logging by timber and trading companies. Conservationists around the world are horrified at the prospect.
From high atop a massive bald rock called the Voltzberg, visitors to Suriname can look in awe at the same sight that greeted explorer Sir Walter Raleigh 400 years ago: an emerald forest that seemingly stretches to infinity in all directions. Even though the world has 11 times as many…
Revolutionary leader Desi Bouterse ordered the arrest of 16 of the country’s most prominent citizens, incl. lawyers, journalists and labor leaders. All but one were dead the next morning.
Terror and Marxism replace tolerance and prosperity
Once upon a time the former colony of Dutch Guiana seemed to be an enchanted tropical paradise. Its gentle, unusually tolerant melange of Creole, Indian, Chinese and Javanese inhabitants were blessed with rich farming lands, rivers teeming with fish and one of the…
A report on Suriname where Prince Bernhard arrived to congratulate the 21 Parliament members on their new autonomy in home affairs.
Circling the Caribbean on a good-will mission, Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands last week set his red-nosed, silver-skinned DC-3 down in the only Netherlands territory on the American continent. Surinam, the middle of the three Guianas on South America’s north coast, gave the Prince a gaudily polyglot greeting.
Along the…
The U.S. occupied Dutch Guiana (Surinam), a demonstration of U.S.-Dutch collaboration. For the Dutch to protect Bauxite mines would mean withdrawal of troops from The NL. East Indies.
Franklin Roosevelt was feeling no pain this week. He had laid his plans, and his plans seemed to be working out. He had seized a country—Dutch Guiana (Surinam). He had temporarily stalemated the Japanese, at a time when every day’s delay before the Japs went to war constituted a…