Articles on Holland (Nederland) in TIME (1923 – )
Mevrouw Van Eeghen, the niece of mighty Sir Henri Deterding, Director General Royal Dutch Shell (Oil) Group, has been shot dead in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam is the city of drab workmen who cut and polish brightest diamonds, the home of landlubbing watermen who pole barges along slow canals, the habitat of buxom and sensible stenographers who pedal to work each morning upon thousands of bicycles. Amsterdam, in short, is the last place where one…
Queen Wilhelimina, following the Fourth Commandment, opposes sport on Sunday during the Olympic Games.
. . . The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord Thy God: in it thou shall not do any work. . . .
To Her Majesty Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria, Queen of the Netherlands, the Fourth Commandment means exactly what it says and is a specific prohibition against sport on Sunday.
Queen Mother Emma celebrated her 70th birthday at home after spending a series of State visits to each of the eleven provinces of Holland.
With habitual gravity and majesty the Queen Mother of the Netherlands returned, last week, to her Summer Palace at Soestdyk, after completing a series of State visits to each of the eleven provinces of Holland. From the Zuider Zee to Zealand loyal Dutchmen had barked gruff cheers. And now good…
Some 500 adolescents assembled at Eerde, in the Netherlands, for the first World Youth Peace Congress.
The placid and usually reclining cows of Holland seem like living symbols of Peace. They gave of their milk, last week, to refresh and quench the thirst of some 500 non-tippling adolescents, who assembled at Eerde, in the Netherlands, for the first World Youth Peace Congress.
Delegates representing the Communist Youth…
Foreign Minister Beelaerts van Blokland talks about a frontier dispute “with our good Belgian friends.”
He enjoys the confidence of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands whose Foreign Minister he is. Straight and yet portly of figure, his manner is stiff-necked and blunt. His arrival to dine heavily at one of the smart, white-painted mansions at The Hague, is announced by flunkies, unctuously intoning: “Jonkheer Dr….
The Dutch have started an 8-year project to build 18 miles of main dykes to lock in the Zuider Zee.
The 96th annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Glasgow last week, was a grand concourse of ideas on chemistry, physics, psychology, mathematics, geology. So specialized and abstruse were most of the papers read in 13 sectional meetings that the 3,000 scientists attending (from all the continents)…
J. Loudon, Chairman of the League of Nations Preparatory Disarmament Commission, declared that he is tired of having every session of his Commission break up in fruitless disagreements.
A blunt, honest Dutchman was looked askance at, in Geneva last week, as the League Assembly continued in session (TIME, Sept. 17 et seq.).
Representatives of all the Great Powers, except Japan, told the Dutchman that they were “surprised”‘ at him.
President Calvin Coolidge was reported by cable to be not only…
Consternation in countries surrounding the Netherlands after Utrechtsch Provinciaal en Stedelijk Dagblad reported about a secret military agreement, what eventually turned out to be a joke.
If you are a Dutchman from Utrecht, and you read something in the Utrechtsch Provinciaal en Stedelijk Dagblad, you know it must be true. Last week this leading provincial newspaper of the Netherlands shocked the rich burghers of quaint old Utrecht—and shocked Europe—by chargin, that a most nefarious secret military…
Queen Mother Emma visited a loan exhibition of Dutch art in London. Attendants kept a curious crowd outside locked doors, but Queen Emma commanded to open the doors.
A white-haired, bespectacled old lady with a big black umbrella and a little black bonnet tied under chin last week honored some great men of her country and proved to the world that the Dutch are a hardy race.
She was the Queen-Mother Emma of Holland, 70 years old, the proud…
In Curaçao, a U. S. ship had been captured and the Curaçao’s Dutch Governor had been kidnaped by Rebels from Venezuela.
Just 31 years ago, while Rough Riders drilled in Texas, German bands played “Dolly Gray” and U. S. Volunteers sweated in blue flannel shirts and tubular blanket rolls, the name of the Dutch island of Curaçao appeared in bold headlines. One hot morning, the U. S. Consul at Curaçao, gazing casually…
By organizing a banquet during The Hague Conference (concerning Germany’s Reperations) a motherly Wilhelmina was able to bring back common sense to the delegates.
Events at the Hague Conference were in such a desperate snarl last week as Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Snowden continued bickering for a bigger piece in the reparations “sponge cake” (TIME, Aug. 12 et seq.), that progress could best be traced in terms of personages:
Thomas William Lamont. First authoritative…
Wilhelmina talks in her yearly address to Parliament about international current affairs concerning the Netherlands.
Clip-clap, clip-clap through the tidy Hague, good motherly Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands clattered off last week in her State Coach to open Parliament. With her rode buxom, schoolgirlish Crown Princess Juliana and the Queen’s fat but studiously self-effacing Prince Consort-Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. A smart troop of cavalry gave dash…
S. S. Rotterdam of the Holland-America line is “perhaps a little” faster, but the money has been invested on solid Dutch comfort.
The slowest de luxe liners on the trans-Atlantic run are big, broad boats sailed by big, broad Dutchmen. Into Manhattan last week hove the S. S. Rotterdam, fresh from a $1,000,000 overhaul.
“Is she any faster?” chorused reporters who think speed is news.
“Well, gentlemen, perhaps a little,” said Mynheer Adrian…
The slot-doorbell, introduced into the Netherlands but a short time ago, has swiftly become a best seller. Instead of ringing the house bell one drops a Dutch cent into the slot and it goes “Bong!”
A slot-doorbell—that was what frugal Dutch huisfrouwen were having carpenters install last week beside their furiously polished brass doorknobs.
The slot-doorbell, introduced into The Netherlands but a short time ago, has swiftly become a best seller. Instead of ringing the house bell one drops a Dutch cent* into the slot…
Princess Juliana turns 21 and moves to Huis Ten Bosch, several newspaper ask the question why she hasn’t visited the Dutch East-Indies yet.
A buxom, healthy, studious Dutch girl reached the age of 21 last week, celebrated by moving from her town residence at The Hague to an estate called the “House in the Wood.” One and all, Dutch newspapers congratulated the young woman, but a few of the very oldest and most aristocratic…